Nurse’s Notes

As the School Nurse, my number one priority is the health and well-being of our students, families, and staff at Saint Joseph Prep. It is important to have current and accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to the links below. In addition, Mental and Emotional Health Resources can be found on the College and School Counseling Resources page. I am in frequent contact with professionals about the current situation and will share the recommended guidelines on a return to school safety plan when they become available.

If you have any medical questions or concerns or need any clarification of information please email me at

Stay safe, Ms. Joanne Shea

CDC Website | MASS DPH | Boston COVID-19 Updates


Stop the Spread, Save Lives, Stay Informed

Do your Job, Follow all Recommended Guidelines

How to Protect yourself and others:

  1. Stay home as much as you can, wear a face covering in public
  2. KEEP a safe distance, 6 feet from others
  3. WASH hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use an alcohol- based hand sanitizer
  4. COVER your cough or sneeze by covering your nose and mouth into your elbow
  5. SICK? Call your health care provider if you are feeling sick


Click on the title above to open the PDF or simply follow these 10 guidelines:

1. Practice putting on/taking off face masks/coverings - video

2. Practice Hand Hygiene: washing - video; hand sanitizer - video

3. Update Physicals and Wellness Visits.

4. Practice Social Distancing: Keep 6' apart (length of a mattress) - video

5. Know the Symptoms: Stay home if you are sick—no exceptions! Contact the School nurse to report an illness - chart 

6. Purchase a Reusable Water Bottle: the School’s water bubbler will be turned off.

7. Purchase a Thermometer: Take your temperature every morning. If your body temperature is 99.5 degrees or higher, you must stay home and contact the School nurse.

8. Verify and Update Emergency Contacts: If you present with Covid-19 like symptoms, you will be sequestered to an isolation room and your emergency contact will be notified to pick you up immediately.

9. Purchase Extra Masks: Have multiple masks, wash masks, change daily.

10. Stay Informed: Educate yourself with reliable sources - CDC; MA Dept of Public Health


Effective August 1, 2020, all visitors and returning residents entering Massachusetts must follow new travel orders. The Commonwealth has made great progress to slow the spread of COVID-19 and gradually open the economy, and all visitors have a responsibility to help us keep transmission rates as low as possible. Please find more information, including the list of lower-risk states, exemptions, business guidance and other details at