Health Services
Records: In September, all students must provide a complete immunization record and report of a physical exam done within one year of entering SJP. Athletes need an annual physical.
Medications: Students are not allowed to carry medicines in school except inhalers and epi-pens. All other meds should be brought to the Health Office. If students need a pain reliever such as Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) they can obtain this from the Nurse if they have permission on file on our Health Form. The Nurse will be able to medicate your child from school supplies. If a student needs to take any other medicine during school hours, including all prescription medicine as well as over-the-counter remedies for colds, cough, stomach upset etc, they must bring it from home, along with a completed Health Form. The form is available in the Health Office and on our Web site.
Illness at School: In the event that a student becomes ill, s/he should notify the teacher and report to the Health Office. The Nurse will provide appropriate care, and will contact the parents if the student needs to be dismissed.
Health Screenings: SJP provides health screenings for students as required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. This includes vision, hearing and postural screenings for 9th graders, as well as height/weight/BMI screening for 10th graders.
Health Insurance: Students are required to secure the minimum health & accident policy, as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, through private insurers or governmental agencies. SJP does not provide individual insurance.
AED: There are three automated external defibrillators located on campus. Most faculty members are trained in CPR/AED.
The Director of Health Services and Louisa Carroll in the Guidance Office are available to help students and parents/guardians with any emotional concerns. Referrals to outside professional psychological agencies will be made on an individual basis.
Saint Joseph Prep has a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying and hazing. Please visit our Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan page for more information.