
February 10, 2023

Dear Alumni,

It is with incredibly heavy hearts that we share the news that the Board of Trustees has voted to permanently close Saint Joseph Prep at the completion of the 2022-2023 academic year. 

Whether you attended Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Trinity Catholic, or SJP, as a member of our school community we recognize that this must be difficult news to hear. Since the Mount and Trinity Catholic joined over a decade ago, SJP developed a well-earned reputation for academic excellence and dynamic innovation and the incredible dedication shown by its highly qualified, experienced, and committed faculty and staff. From the very start, the school has reflected the mission and charism of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph. SJP became a vibrant, close-knit, authentic, faith-filled community with a diverse student body where young people are meaningfully engaged and truly feel known and loved. 

With that said, our strengths do not make us immune from the financial challenges that come with a commitment to ensuring an exceptional and accessible education. While the Board and the leadership of the school have worked tirelessly to find a way forward, we have not been successful in finding a strategic partner(s) who could support the long-term sustainability of SJP. Additionally, our school continues to face the challenge of ongoing demographic shifts among middle and high-school-aged students. This combination of critical factors has resulted in insurmountable financial pressures that have led us to this decision.

Please know that this is not a decision arrived at without very careful, heart-wrenching consideration. After an extensive and far-reaching search for a solution, this was ultimately the only path forward.  

This is very difficult, heartbreaking news for everyone in our community, and the Board, administration, and Congregation are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for every member of our community. There will be a series of opportunities for families and students, as well as faculty and staff, to hear our plans for support and to discuss next steps. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire SJP family as we move forward in this process. We ask that God continue to guide us in the days ahead and give us the grace to walk this path together.


Saint Joseph Prep Boston Board of Trustees