
Saint Joseph Preparatory High School’s mission is to promote the development of the whole person, to encourage young men and women to pursue a rigorous and engaging secondary education and to empower them to recognize and share their gifts provides the inspiration for our curriculum. Teachers, counselors and administrators here are convinced that we exercise a very special partnership with our parents on behalf of our students. A complete listing of our course catalogue is available via the Course of Study link.

Courses are phased according to the pace and level of difficulty of the subject matter. Phase levels are determined according to the student’s achievement and upon the advice of subject teachers, guidance counselor and the department chairperson. Parental signature/approval of recommended phases is required at course selection time.

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

In order to enroll in AP courses, students must successfully complete honors level work with high achievement in prior courses within that particular discipline. Decisions about placement in AP will be made with teacher recommendations and in consultation with the Assistant Head of School for Academics, Director of College Counseling and Guidance and the student's academic advisor. Students may also take AP courses through the Virtual High School (VHS) Program.

All AP students are required to take the AP exam in May. Failure to take the test will result in a student receiving a grade of incomplete for the course.