About SJP
Welcome to Saint Joseph Prep! We are a co-ed, Catholic high school located in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood of Boston. Our students thrive in a challenging, yet supportive academic environment that provides excellent post-secondary opportunities at elite colleges and universities.
With extensive extracurricular options, students can pursue their passions on the playing fields, in the arts, or in the Robotics Lab. We believe a great high school experience includes participating in - and leading - a wide variety of clubs and activities.
The culture of Saint Joseph Prep is such that all students, families, and community members are respected and affirmed for exactly who they are. Every student is known and cared for, receiving a high level of individualized attention. Our diverse community celebrates all faiths, backgrounds, and traditions.
A spirit of innovation is at the core of all that we do. While technology is an important element of this philosophy, innovation at Saint Joseph Prep extends to how we teach, what we teach, how we address social issues, and how our community strives for continuous improvement.